NSFA are seeking various volunteer roles to support the delivery of football on the north shore of Sydney. With over 18,000 participants, 1,000 coaches and close to 2,000 managers the Northern Suburbs FA are one of the largest football associations in NSW and Australia. To support the operations of the Association the NSFA are seeking volunteer support from our football community. The roles outlined below are primarily flexible in nature and would be perfect for people looking to stay involved in community programs, support the progression of football and give back to our community.
Member Protection Information Officer – MPIO
The NSFA Member Protection Information Officer aims to ensure our core values, good reputation and positive behaviours and attitudes are maintained. It assists us in ensuring that every person involved in our sport is treated with respect and dignity, and is safe and protected from abuse. This policy also ensures that everyone involved in our sport is aware of his or her legal and ethical rights and responsibilities. The Member Protection policy (available on our website) also reflects our support and implementation of the sport industry principles and values outlined in The Essence of Australian Sport – principles of fairness, respect, responsibility and safety.
Please email edward.ferguson@nsfa.asn.au for further information
NSFA History project
The NSFA are seeking enthusiastic current and former members to help us archive, consolidate and celebrate the history of football in the northern suburbs. The Northern Suburbs FA has existed since 1957 (formerly KDSA) and as we enter our 65th year we are seeking support to help us collate information, digitise records and present this on a specific NSFA History website. Individuals involved will be supported and part of a larger team already working on the project.
Duke of Edinburgh students
The NSFA are open to supporting school aged students complete their Duke of Edinburgh community service hour requirements. The NSFA delivers various programs throughout the year that would benefit from support from energetic, football and sport loving students. This may include involvement in administration tasks, supporting matchday preparation for NSFA competitions, ground controller responsibilities and engaging with our membership.
General support
If you are a jack of all trades and willing to put up some nets, jump on the BBQ and help intermittently at times we would welcome you becoming more involved in the Northern Suburbs FA. We have a range of roles we would love filled to improve the participant experience and community football experience each week.
If you are interested in supporting NSFA as a volunteer please reach out to admin@nsfa.asn.au