NSFA adopts the NSW Health and Football NSW COVID Safe BBQ requirements.
For further information please visit the NSW Food Authority Website.
Clubs are permitted for BBQ use if they meeting the following:
- Ensure appropriate glove use when preparing and handling food.
- BBQ cook(s) must wear face masks
- BBQ utensils must not be shared
- BBQ cooks(s) must wash utensils after use
- Hand sanitiser MUST be present for public use
- BBQ cooks and support staff are required to thoroughly wash their hands before/after shift
- Regular disinfectant and cleaning of tables and surfaces
- Where possible encourage the use of ETFPOS
- Maintain social distancing measures of 1.5 metres between canteen staff.
- As much as possible, create a barrier between customers and the food by covering it and moving it as far back from the counter front as the benchtop provides.
- Where possible, designate one staff member to handle money, to cook, to serve, to provide sauces (best practice scenario)
- Within the constraints of the venue/facility, ensure appropriate spacing when customers queue for service.
- Portable BBQ’s (able to be carried by a single person) are not permitted.
- Canteen staff/volunteers with a cold, cough or flu-like symptoms should not come to the game, and if appropriate be tested and/or self-isolate.
NSFA requires spectators and players cooling down after their fixture to position themselves on the opposite side of the field to the technical area (Players, Manager, Coach).