In 2006 Penny Howell was welcomed into the world of football through her daughters joining junior teams at St Ives FC. The following year, Penny pulled on the boots for the first time in an over 35s team that she helped form. This introduced her to the St Ives Football Committee where she began her journey as a volunteer. Penny recalls her first gala day at Montview Oval in 2007, where she was quickly thrown in to help by accompanying the President of St Ives down to the local Coles to get sausages, bread, soft drink cans and anything else they might need for the hundreds of players, supporters and community.
This led to her involvement in the NSFA Management Committee and the Women’s Registrar role the following year in 2008, spending four years in that position. Penny’s role as women’s registrar involved looking after the women’s competition, checking match cards, handling complaints, allocating grading and much more. In 2011, Penny became President of St Ives, leading her to step down from the NSFA M.C.
As President of St Ives, Penny’s role was always different, constantly being involved in a multitude of tasks and projects. One of her proudest accomplishments was the beginning of the club’s focus on fundraising for defibrillators towards the end of 2015 following the passing of Emin Rufati in April of that year. Penny prides herself on the collaborative community that banded together to provide their club and other clubs with 15 defibrillators that have been life-changing for the public and players over the years. St Ives FC still hosts an annual Emin Rufati tribute event to continue fundraising for defibrillators within the region. Penny is still involved at St Ives FC as Special Projects Officer and enjoys spectating the women’s all age games.
In 2016, Penny was presented with a State Award for her services to St Ives FC and NSFA.

In 2013 Penny began serving on the Protests, Disputes, & Disciplinary Committee (PD&DC), where she has continued until the present day. Penny was awarded NSFA Life Membership at the 2020 AGM alongside PD&DC Chair Alan Clarke.
The Northern Suburbs FA has existed since 1957 (formerly KDSA) and as we enter our 65th year we are seeking support to help us collate information, digitise records and present this on a specific NSFA History website.
In partnership with Macquarie University we have commenced phase 1 of this project, which aims to compile photos and information on each NSFA Life Member.
If you have any information on NSFA Life Members (particularly before 1980) or would like to provide assistance on the larger NSFA History project, please email nick.amies@nsfa.asn.au