Fred Mason became involved in football when one Saturday he wandered up to Karuah Park in Turramurra. He soon became involved with the Wahroonga Club and started coaching. His children then started to play football.
Fred remained a loyal supporter of the Wahroonga Club over the years. Fellow Life Member Phil Bradfield said, “Fred Mason and wife Dorothy were of great red blood for many years”. One of his children, Peter Mason, later became a member of the Ku-ring-gai and District Soccer Association’s first All-Age Committee in 1972 and remained a member for several years.
Fred was also one of the original referees in the Ku-ring-gai Referees League which was formed in late 1967 and was President of this League for a number of years. This League became known as the Ku-ring-gai Hornsby Soccer Referees Association in 1974 when it merged with The Northern Suburbs Referees Association. He was also one of the first recipients of an Australian Soccer Referees Federation Badge in the district.
Fred was known for attending meetings at Don Allen’s place as a Committee Member representing the referees for a number of years. Don was the first President of the Ku-ring-gai and District Soccer Association (KDSA) and held meetings of the Association at his house. Fred was also involved with the Association’s Protests, Disputes & Disciplinary Committee (PD&DC) and was often thanked for his cooperation in the yearly PD&DC reports published in the KDSA Annual Reports.
Fred always made himself available for Gala Days and took great delight in presenting the participants with their banners.
In 1986, Phil Rees, President of the Association, reported that Fred Mason was bestowed Life Membership in 1985. He describes Fred as one of the real stalwarts of the Association. We thank Fred for his participation in football at both the local and Association level.