In February 1957, Reverend Jefferies, who was a part time minister of the Congregational Church in Congham Road West Pymble, dropped notices in letterboxes inviting boys who wished to play soccer, as well as adults who wanted to help, to attend a meeting. Don attended the meeting with ten boys of various ages and a few adults. Although attendees questioned the value of establishing the game of soccer in the district, Don persevered by advertising on the local buses a match to be held at Lofberg Oval the following Saturday.
The introduction of a ball and an oval was the catalyst that generated community interest, and the West Pymble Soccer Club was formed. Games were played each Saturday, and it was not long before there was an enquiry from a gentleman from the Wahroonga area and a teacher from Lindfield about providing teams to play. A meeting was called and was attended by Don Allen, Peter Leydon, Wilfred (Fred) Burl, Don Evans, Arthur Wooster and Keith Gilmour who was the Secretary of Epping-Hornsby Association and Assistant Secretary of the NSW Amateur Soccer Association. These gentlemen called a public meeting at the Turramurra Masonic Hall for the purpose of forming a Ku-ring-gai competition.
This meeting resolved to form the Ku-ring-gai and District Soccer Association (KDSA). In May 1957, the first games conducted by the KDSA took place at Bannockburn Oval. Three games took place with teams from West Pymble, North Turramurra, Wahroonga, Lindfield, Turramurra (now Kissing Point) and a Beecroft team. By the end of the season West Pymble had formed a second team and East Gordon (now Gordon FC) had also joined the competition.
Don was the founding President of the KDSA, a position he held for 24 years from 1957 up to and including 1980. Below is a table which shows the growth of the during the years that Don was President of the Association.

The following is a list of some of the achievements of the KDSA during Don’s time as President:
- 1962 – KDSA passes the 100-team mark
- 1964 – first Soccer News (Green Sheet) published for the first time
- 1966 – number of teams in KDSA reaches 200
- 1967 – The Ku-ring-gai/Hornsby Soccer Referees League is formed
- 1968 – KDSA Cup competition for All Age teams is introduced
- 1970 – Ku-ring-gai Soccer Club formed and joins with Artarmon Soccer Club to enter the NSW Soccer Federation competition
- 1970 – the number of teams surpasses 300
- 1973 – the number of teams surpasses 400
- 1974 – the Ku-ring-gai District Women’s Soccer Association (KDWSA) is formed
In 1966, Don was recognised by West Pymble Soccer Club for his contribution to soccer in the West Pymble area by his induction as a Life Member. In 1973 he was honoured with Life Membership of the KDSA. Don was also a recipient of the New South Wales Amateur Soccer Federation (NSWASF) Special Award in 1992. This is an award that gave public recognition to people who have given outstanding service to their sport over the years. Don was recognised for his involvement in KDSA administration, being Chairman of Ku-ring-gai Soccer Club Ltd and NSWASF auditor for many years.

Photo (L–R) Unknown, Don Allen (KDSA President), Andrew Brockbank (player with Ku-ring-gai SC), Harry Noon (Coach of Ku-ring-gai SC).
The photo is believed to have been taken in 1983 when Andrew Brockbank was signed to Ku-ring-gai Soccer Club. Andrew came from Blackpool in the UK and played for KSC in 1983 and 1985.
Don passed away in July 2001. His interest in the sport never waned. We thank Don for his contribution to football and the development of the Ku-ring-gai and District Soccer Association now known as Northern Suburbs Football Association.