Dear Members,
Due to the current outbreak of COVID across Sydney we have sought advice from The Office of Sport and Football NSW regarding the continuation of football training and weekend matches.
We have been informed it is safe to proceed with community sport at the current time, with a strong recommendation to enforce restrictions in a similar fashion to last year’s season.
Therefore, we will be progressing with this weekend’s matches as per the fixtures, with the following restrictions in place.
We trust that you will act responsibly over the next 7 days, taking leadership of the below restrictions and ensuring your teammates cooperate.
Thank you for your understanding,
Ed Ferguson

Restrictions for this Weekend
Spectators & Crowd attendance
- Only one spectator per player permitted at the match (ie. One parent, no additional family members)
- Spectators and officials when stationary are encouraged to be 1.5m apart – Social distancing
- Face masks must be worn by spectators, officials and stationary individuals (as stated in the Public Health Order)
Player restrictions
- Social distance within the technical area
- Player huddles are not permitted
- Changeroom use is not-permitted (ie. All changerooms will be locked/closed/unable to be used)
Canteens and Clubhouses
- All BBQs & canteen must comply with the 2020 COVID BBQ guidelines – Click here to access
- No pitch side BBQ’s unless they comply with the above guidelines.
- We recommend the postponement of functions at Clubhouses, however if proceeding, responsibility must be taken towards the Public Health Order, particularly the 1 person per 4 square metres rule.
Please follow NSW Health advice regarding hand cleanliness.

Wet Weather & ground closures
Be on the lookout for Wet Weather closures of grounds this weekend. Many grounds have not recovered from last weekend’s matches, with many grounds played on when they should not have been. NSFA and KDFRA are working closer together to ensure greater care is taken ahead of this weekend.

Other NSFA Activities
FightMND Round
Unfortunately this will also mean the postponement of many activities lined up for the FightMND Round due to ‘on-ground’ activations.
We believe this is the correct decision, reducing the amount of people at grounds and reducing the likelihood of potential disease transmission.
We will postpone the FightMND Round on the ground activities until the weekend of 9/10 July. Our online fundraisers will be ongoing until this date.
State Cup – this Sunday
We have just been advised by Football NSW that this week’s State Cup matches have been postponed.
Training – next week
With the school holidays taking place next week and no matches for MiniRoos & Juniors, please consider cancelling training where possible.
Kanga Cup
We have not yet received an official stance by Capital Football, who run the tournament.

NSW Government Advice
The NSW Government have instructed residents and employees from SEVEN Local Government Areas in Sydney to restrict their movements over the next 7 days, avoiding non-essential travel outside of Metropolitan Sydney.
The Metropolitan Sydney area is defined here
This means that all Sydney residents can continue to travel within Metro Sydney. Therefore our matches and attendance at matches should not be an issue, unless someone is a close contact or currently isolating.
The latest NSW Government advice for Greater Sydney can be found here – here