
Guide: Managing a positive COVD-19 case

Guide: Managing a positive COVD-19 case

Responding to COVID-19 cases and suspected cases in football (For guidance only)

In all situations where a case or suspected case of COVID-19 is reported, advice should be sought from the National Coronavirus Health line on 1800 020 080.

Reference can also be made to the Health Direct Coronavirus website and NSW Health Coronavirus Self Isolation Guidelines & Information

Football NSW is not in a position to provide medical advice in relation to COVID-19, however we have sought advice from the National Coronavirus Health line on a number of occasions and provide the following information for guidance only as the advice can vary depending on individual circumstances.

For someone feeling unwell

If a club is advised that a player is being tested for COVID-19

  • The player being tested self-isolates until the test results are received.
  • The rest of the team can continue to train and play while the player awaits their test results
  • There is no requirement to notify anyone that a player is being tested
  • There is no NSW Health requirement for training to be cancelled
  • It is up to the club whether it cancels training or playing during this time as a precaution. Consult with your Association or FNSW if unsure.
  • If anyone else in the team becomes symptomatic or feels unwell provide them with the information provided above for someone feeling unwell.

If a player tests positive and a club is advised of a confirmed case of COVID-19

  • Most important is to follow the advice of health authorities
  • The person with COVID-19 will be advised to immediately self isolate (the person should be advised of this by their GP or health authorities)
  • Assess whether the person who tested positive has come into ‘close’ or ‘casual’ contact with other players or officials
  • Advise players in ‘close’ contact to self isolate and refer to the NSW Health Close contact factsheet or call the National Coronavirus Health line on 1800 020 080 (24 hour helpline)
  • During this time NSW Health will undertake contact tracing to determine who has been in close contact or casual contact with the positive case. 
  • The advice given by NSW Health to the club and individuals may vary depending on the results of the contact tracing. 
  • Players should only return to training and playing following NSW Health advice or a medical clearance.   Refer to the NSW Health self isolation guidelines.

Close or Casual Contact Definitions

Close Contact is someone who:

  • has had more than 15 minutes of face-to-face contact over the course of a week (in any setting) with a person with confirmed or probable COVID-19 (including in the 48 hours before their symptoms appeared)
  • has shared a closed space with a person with confirmed or probable COVID-19 for more than 2 hours (including in the 48 hours before their symptoms appeared)

Close contacts of a person with a confirmed or probable COVID-19 infection are at higher risk of infection. However, it’s important that everyone understands the symptoms of COVID-19 and seeks medical attention if feeling unwell.  

Casual Contact is someone who has been in the same general area as a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 while infectious. You are a casual contact if:

  • you have had less than 15 minutes face-to-face contact over the course of a week (in any setting) with a confirmed or probable case (including in the 48 hours before their symptoms appeared)
  • you have shared a closed space with a confirmed or probable case for less than 2 hours (including in the 48 hours before their symptoms appeared)

Casual contacts do not need to be excluded from work or school while well. You must closely monitor your health and if you experience any symptoms, you should isolate yourself. Use the Coronavirus Health Direct Symptom Checker if you develop symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath.

Further Information

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