Dear members,
It is with a heavy heart that I inform you of the abandonment of the NSFA 2021 season, the first time in NSFA’s history.
The Board and I have met twice in the last week, most recently this morning to discuss the changing COVID-19 lockdown situation and its impact on our season. This may come as no surprise to many, however we took an optimistic view at first in hope of salvaging some or part of the season by working with our Summer Sport colleagues, Councils and willing good fortune that the COVID case numbers lowered. This has not been the case unfortunately.
Our NSFA season concludes normally on the 28/29 August weekend. The scheduled summer sport (ie. Cricket) season commences on the 11th and 25th September for Senior and Juniors respectively. Within this short period between seasons our Councils must also manage their changeover period. Due to the inability of seasons to be moved, as was in the case in 2020, we believe the window is too short and the COVID cases too high for us to confidently plan for even two or three rounds of football to be played.
We are also conscious that Gladys and the NSW Government have changed their metric used to identify when we would be out of lockdown to a percentage of vaccinations rather than raw case numbers.
Thank you for your patience as we tried to find some solutions to allow us to resume football and work with our sporting colleagues and councils. I hope this information now provides clarity to our members and the wider community.
All the best,
Ed Ferguson – NSFA CEO
Promotion and Relegation
As the season is abandoned, NSFA will not crown division winners for 2021, nor promote or relegate teams based on their current standings.
We do acknowledge that some divisions have not had promotion/relegation for two seasons and we will be seeking expressions of interest for promotion and relegation ahead of our March 2022 Competition allocation Presidents workshop. We will take those teams wishing to move up/down into consideration as we understand the impact abandonment and our rulings have had on the players and teams motivations over the past two seasons.
Club End of Season Gala Days/Events
We encourage all Clubs to follow the Public Health Order and plan their end of season Club events accordingly.
If possible, video team meetings and virtual awards may be the best option in the short term to provide closure to our 2021 season.
Membership Refunds
We are currently working through our financials to understand the amount of refund we can offer to our members. Members will receive the option of a refund for registration fees from the 2021 season.
We hope to provide a further update to this over the coming fortnight. Thank you for your patience on this matter.
Membership Engagement
We will continue to provide player engagement opportunities online via XLR8 Player Development Programs to all members during lockdown. This is a difficult period for our youngest members to be stuck inside and we hope these sessions will shine a little light on their week and allow them to interact with others online. Please visit the XLR8 Facebook page for more information.
Jake Stephenson, Coach Development Manager, hosts online Coach Education workshops every Wednesday planned for August. I encourage you to promote these opportunities to coaches to keep them engaged and learning, especially as the Olympics come to an end! Next Wednesday’s Workshop is a CCC-only meeting, but Wednesday August 18th will be a Coaches of the Female Game Workshop open to all our football community. Keep an eye out on our social media for registration details.
Council Grounds
We would like to remind you that our local Councils are having lighting turned on at various sporting fields to enable local residents to exercise in the evenings during lockdown. See details below about your local Council:
Lights will be in operation on weeknights between 5pm and 8pm at Hayes, Warrina St, Foxglove, Mark Taylor, Greenway and Epping Ovals, along with Ruddock and Rofe Parks. Although, please note that if grounds are too wet for use, the lights will stay off.
Ku-ring-gai’s sporting fields will have lighting turned on daily between 5pm and 8pm. See the full list of which fields will have lighting here
Lane Cove
Lights will be turned on at Blackman Park, Bob Campbell Oval and Pottery Green Oval from 5pm to 8pm. Council is in the process of extending this to Tantallon Oval where works are currently taking place.
North Sydney
Lighting will be on at sporting fields in Cammeray, Primrose and Forsyth parks from 5pm to 9pm.
Lights will be on during evenings until 8pm from Monday to Friday at Gore Hill, Castle Cove, Willoughby Park and Beauchamp Park Ovals.
Please remember to maintain social distancing and if you feel unwell please stay home. Exercise cannot be done in groups larger than two people unless you are all members of the same household.
Insurance Cover
Due to football being suspended by Football NSW, no currently registered participant is covered by the Personal Accident insurance. Please be aware of this and the Public Health Order. No organised, NSFA football activity can take place until further notice.
Summer Football
Our Competitions Department are in the process of finalising our plans for our Summer Football competition later this year.
We will be returning to our venues at North Turramurra Recreation Area, Blackman Park (Lane Cove), Mills Park (Asquith) and Gore Hill Oval (St Leonards) – keep an eye out for more information over the next fortnight!