Monday night saw the first ever Coach Developer (CD) workshop delivered in NSFA, aimed at upskilling our Club Coaching Coordinator (CCC) network and current coach education presenters.
“The aim of the Coach Developer workshop was to bring people from across the association together to form a collective understanding on the coaching behaviours and skill set we want to develop in our coaching during the 2018 season,” explained Ed Ferguson, NSFA Community Football Manager.
“The workshop provided all involved the opportunity to share their experiences and discuss the key attributes a coach must possess.”
The evening began with a presentation discussing the evolving direction of coach development within NSFA and the process of evaluating and providing feedback to coaches. Attendees were also instructed in methods to facilitate group input and engagement when delivering coach education courses and workshops.
“The level of engagement was superb from all involved, and it was particularly pleasing to have other associations wanting to be involved in our workshop to offer a different perspective and approach to our ideas and initiatives.” Ferguson said.
Theories were then put to the test in a practical session, where one coach delivered a session while others took turns at providing feedback to the coach.
The evening finished with a showcase of a new approach to delivering the ALDI MiniRoos certificate which will be put in place over the next two months.
“Overall, the night provided an outstanding opportunity to create an informal learning environment for CCC’s and CD’s of different clubs and associations to share experiences,” Ferguson commented.
“I am confident moving into the 2018 season that our coaches will have better opportunities for support and mentoring than ever before which will make the coaches role a lot easier.”
NSFA Clubs: Chatswood Rangers FC, Gordon SC, Hornsby Heights FC, Lane Cove FC, Lindfield FC, North Turramurra FC, Northbridge FC, St Ives FC, St Michael’s FC.
XLR8 – NSFA Player Development Programs
Northern Tigers FC
Special guests from Gladesville-Hornsby FA, Hills FA and Football NSW.