Female Football Week runs from Friday 2nd March to Saturday 10th March, and to celebrate this NSFA have committed to the following events to engage the community and provide girls the chance to gain a ‘taste’ of football as the season moves closer.
Female Football Friday

4:30pm – 5:30pm – FREE girls skills clinic at our XLR8 Football School
Come along to NTRA after school on Friday for a FREE girls skills session on the magnificent artifical playing surface. The session will be conducted by accredited XLR8 coaches and senior Northern Tigers Women’s NPL1 players. Participants will be split into groups by age and skill level.
5:30pm – 7:30pm – Diamond League Challenge
The Northern Tigers Girls SAP teams will play four matches in total against NSFA Diamond League teams – showcasing the talents of both our community and representative players!
7:30pm – 9pm – NSFA Women’s All Age Select XI vs Northern Tigers Women
This year we have created the NSFA Women’s All Age Select XI to accompany the Men’s Select team that is now in its fourth year. The Women’s Select XI will square off against the Northern Tigers Women to cap off the night!
Coaching Course
We will be hosting an ALDI MiniRoos Certificate course on Tuesday 6th March, from 6:30pm to 9pm at NTRA.
The MiniRoos Certificate is aimed at providing coaches with the knowledge and skills to deliver sessions for players aged between 6 and 8.
NSFA Select vs MWFA Select
Our NSFA Women’s Select XI will play their second match of Female Football Week against the Manly-Warringah Football Association (MWFA) Select on Friday, March 9th.
The match will take place at Charles Bean Oval, Lindfield, kicking off at 7:30pm.
Get down to the ground and support our local stars!