Colin became involved in football when his children started playing. They joined the Lindfield Soccer Club (now Lindfield Football Club) where Colin was an early administrator.
Lindfield is one of the inaugural clubs of the Ku-ring-gai and District Soccer Association (KDSA), now known as the Northern Suburbs Football Association (NSFA). The KDSA was established in 1957, and Lindfield Soccer Club immediately began growing to become one of the largest Clubs in Ku-ring-gai and continues to be one of the largest Clubs in the country. Colin was known to hold a number of positions with Lindfield, notably the Secretary role. Colin was honoured in 1978 with Life Membership of Lindfield, their first Life Member.
Colin was an active member of KDSA committees in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. He was Soccer News Editor in 1976, 1977, 1980 and 1981. This was a fortnightly publication that contained the draw and other information for players and parents. In Colin’s first year as editor, he introduced segments in Soccer News called “What’s on Around the Clubs” and “Question Corner”. Soccer News was the only publication of its type in any Soccer area in Sydney. Soccer News was affectionately known as “The Green Sheet”.
Colin was also one of our Life Members who were involved with the Ku-ring-gai Soccer Club (KSC). He was on the Board of Directors of the club in the mid-1970s. It was during this time that the KSC considered buying premises to be used as a Clubhouse for the Association and obtaining a liquor license which was ultimately not pursued.
In 1981, Colin organized the first Miss Ku-ring-gai Soccer Competition. Jim Flint, the President of the Association at that time, comments that the success of the competition was entirely through Colin’s efforts. It was won by Miss Jodie Siddle.
In the 1980 Annual Report, the then Secretary reported Colin Wright as being a hardworking member of the Association. We thank Colin for his outstanding contribution and hard work in making football accessible and known throughout our Association. Colin was made a Life Member of the NSFA in 1981.