Bob Tomasic is a well-known member of the Willoughby Dalleys which was formed in 1988 by members of the Croatian community living in the areas of Chatswood and Willoughby. The club was originally known as the Dalmacija Soccer Club and was the sporting arm of the Dalmacija Sydney Croatian Club. It was renamed Dalleys Soccer Club in 1993 and finally became known as Willoughby Dalleys Football Club (WDFC) in 2012.
Bob was a Board Member of the Dalmacija Sydney Croatian Club in 1995 and 1996. In 1998 he became the Secretary of Dalleys Soccer Club and held this role until 2022. Bob has also held a variety of other roles within the club including Treasurer, Registrar and Compliance Officer.
During his time with the club Bob has been instrumental in the growth of WDFC. The club originally had two teams in 1998 (with the Club winning the Premiership in Men’s Over 30’s Competition) and has grown to fifteen teams in 2022. In 2013 there were 56 players and in the present day there are in excess of 180 players, tripling the numbers. The highlights during Bob’s time include the Club entering teams into the Women’s All Age Competition in 2004, Girl’s Junior Competition in 2008, Miniroos Competition in 2014 and Men’s Over 35’s competition in 2017. Many of these teams have been very successful.
Other notable achievements that Bob was responsible for over the years he has been Secretary, include the achievement of the Club’s Level 1 Accreditation with the FFA in 2014, the building of the Club’s website and the introduction of all the Club’s Policies and Procedures including the Club’s Code of Practice.
Jonathan Scardino states that “It is safe to say that WDFC would not be in the position it is in today without the dedication and hard work of Bob. Bob has worked tirelessly over the last 25+ years and has been selfless in giving his time and effort to ensure that the club has operated in a professional manner”. Bob was made a Life Member of the NSFA in 2021 in recognition of his 25 years of service to Football.