
Girls Under 13s Competition Introduced for 2022

Girls Under 13s Competition Introduced for 2022

In line with our What’s Best For Her strategy we are introducing a Girls Under 13s age group to our competition offerings for the 2022 season.

This moment is a crucial step in enhancing the player experience within our association, allowing teams from Under 12s to continue playing together into Under 13s and provide ongoing support for their development.

“The Under 13s age group sits at a critical point in the player’s journey,” says NSFA Head of Female Football Eilidh Mackay.

“This is when the majority of our player base makes the step into high school and previously these teams from Under 12s would be split in order to fill the various vacancies in Under 14s caused by players aging out of that competition.”

In line with the Football NSW Girls SAP Under 13s competition and the NSFA Girls and Mixed Under 12s, the NSFA Girls Under 13s will play in a 9v9 competition, allowing for another year of technical development in an age-appropriate playing format.

Developed in consultation with clubs, the NSFA competitions department has mapped out a three-year plan for the impacted age groups in order to provide the smoothest transition for all players involved to maximise retention.

Competition Changes

G12 DLG12 DLG12 DL
G12 Div 2-4G12 Div 2-4G12 Div 2-5
G13 Div 2G13 DLG13 DL
G14 DL (13/14)G13 Div 2G13 Div 2-3
G14 Div 2G14/15 DLG14 DL
G16 DLG14 Div 2G14 Div 2
G16 Div 2-3G16 DLG16 DL
G18 DLG16 Div 2-3G16 Div 2-3
G18 Div 2G18 DLG18 DL
 G18 Div 2G18 Div 2

New competitions have been marked in bold and italics.

2022 – Introduction of G13 div 2 competition. Diamond League will remain a combination of U13 and U14 players due to current player depth. Clubs apply for a license and meet requirements to become a Diamond League club.

2023 – G14/15 DL allows club to field competitive teams while transitioning G13 age group into DL. This will aid clubs as G14s will not have the player pool due to G13 age group and will be seen as a transition year where G15 players will play in either G14 or G16 team depending on the player ability and club requirements. Please note G14/G15 will only be in place for one year.

2024 – DL will return to G14 and G16 age groups. With the increased player numbers we want to set a target of 5 divisions in G12 and 3 divisions in G13.

For more information about the competition, click here to view the proposal sent out to clubs last year.

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