Female Football Week returns to NSFA this May! NSFA, Northern Tigers and XLR8 will be running various events throughout the week, which runs from May 1st to May 9th.
Female Football Week and the What’s Best for Her Strategy are proudly supported by Harvey Norman.

Check out the events below and follow the links to register!
Female Football Friday

Now postponed to next week – Friday May 14th, North Turramurra Recreation Area
Young female footballers from across NSFA are invited to attend a FREE XLR8 skills session at NTRA! Goalkeeper-specific sessions also on offer. Registrations are COMPULSORY to ensure coach numbers.
Girls U6/U7 Come and Try Day
Sunday 2nd May, 9am to 10am, Montview Oval and Bales Park (Willoughby)
NSFA invites any interested Girls Under 6 and Under 7 to join in a free come and try day at one of two venues. Players will participate in ball mastery exercises and small-sided games. Registrations are COMPULSORY to ensure space requirements.
Women’s Skill Training + Tiger Cubs Come and Try Day
Thursday 6th May, 9:30am to 10:30am, North Turramurra Recreation Area
Come along to NTRA and trial our Women’s Skills Training or Tiger Cubs programs! Tiger Cubs is designed for players aged 3 to 5, while Women’s Skill Training is open to Women’s players of any age or experience. Registrations are COMPULSORY to ensure coach numbers.
Workshop – Coaches of the Female Game
Now postponed to Thursday 13th May, 6pm to 7:30pm, North Turramurra Recreation Area
The workshop will be applicable to all coaches of the female game, focused on creating a SAFE, ENGAGING, ENJOYABLE and ORGANISED environment, to build confidence in players. Coaches will be observing Northern tigers GSAP and Diamond League Players in a session. We will be discussing how session design as well as our coach script impacts players confidence. We ask that coaches:
- Bring notepad and pen
- Wear NSFA Club Gear
- Wear lots of layers as NTRA can get cold
Women’s Premier League + Tigers Joint Session
Now postponed to next week – Friday May 14th, 6:15pm to 7:30pm, North Turramurra Recreation Area
Northern Tigers would like to invite NSFA WAA Premier League Players to Northern Tigers G17 session coached by Eilidh Mackay. There are limited places available and will be determined on a first registered basis. The session will be a combination of small sided competitive games.